2022 US TIP Report : Call to Action for Responding to the Human Trafficking Ranking
Each year those working in the human trafficking field have focused on the release of the Trafficking in Persons Report (TIP Report) by the USA Department of State. This year Thailand has been raised to Tier 2, moving up from being a country in Tier 2 Watchlist. The U.S. produces an annual TIP Report in response to the “Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA)”, to compare the trafficking situation in different countries. The report places on to 1 of 4 tiers according States Department assessment of human trafficking situation.
This year the report mentioned that Thailand has not yet met minimum standards to eradicate human trafficking. However, it has shown an improvement in efforts compared to last year. Overall, the Thai government has made significant progress in its actions related to human trafficking, such as an increase in the number investigations and victim identification; the establishment of a new victim screening and protection center. The establishment of the National Referal Mechanism (NRM) extended the period of reflection 15 days before the screening of victims, established guidelines for screening potential victims of labor and forced labor in accordance with the Anti-Human Trafficking Act. Prosecution of offenders who are government officials, was also included.
Thailand Tier Ranking By Year (2015 - 2022)
referenced : Trafficking in Persons Report
LIFT International and contributing an impact in the fight against human trafficking
LIFT International, a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) does remarkable work through supporting government officials and law enforcement officers in identifying victims and offenders. Participate in caring for victims of human trafficking as well as the protection of victims of trafficking in both public and private sectors through our strong internal Multidisciplinary Team (MDT). Our work focuses on a victim-centric approach that gives consideration to trauma-informed care.
Over 11 years, LIFT International has been involved in human trafficking investigations and victim identification in Thailand. Over that time our supported law enforcement agencies has led to arrest of 327 offenders of which 174 have been convicted, and 571 victims of human trafficking and online sexual exploitation were removed from harm.
In 2021, LIFT assisted 78 victims and 19 offenders who were arrested and convicted. In addition, we have contributed to practitioner empowerment by providing training to 227 law enforcement and partner staff.
In addition, LIFT’s social workers and lawyers have had an opportunity to work closely with the victims and offer opinions on various issues about victims through meetings, training, and seminars with government and NGOs agencies such as ASEAN ACT. Various recommendations gathered from many forums and presented at the policy levels to improve victim’s care. For example, the Thai government has established measures to provide more effective screening and protection for victims of human trafficking.
It is provon that LIFT International has had impact at the policy-level. Including improvements in the victim identification process, an extension of the victim's screening period, and allowing victims who are under the protection provided by government shelters to move freely.
The Challenges of Combatting Human Trafficking
The challenge for LIFT International and its partners working on human trafficking in Thailand is the growing volume of online sexual exploitation cases. Making it harder than ever to identify offenders and victims. Unlike the physical search for offenders and victims in sex trafficking businesses such as bars and karaoke, where they can be quickly and clearly identified through directly talking to the victims to learn the details of the trafficking crime. Online investigation is a unique skill that requires continuous improvement. LIFT team has the experiences and specialisation that is recognized by law enforcement who we always provided support and work effectively in human trafficking.
We need online investigation training to increase our capacity and skills in identifying a crime, an offenders and victims of human trafficking
- Law Enforcement Officer
One law enforcement officer shared his perspective that he wants LIFT to provide basic investigation and online investigation training. They recognize LIFT's competences to support law enforcement with our investigation expertise.
The most difficult challenge is once the case is initiated, and the perpetrator identified. We must seek full cooperation from victims in order to testify against the offender of human trafficking. LIFT's social work team works hard to build trust with victims to obtain information and facts for law enforcement. Due to an increasing number of online sexsual exploitation among boys, LIFT’s social workers have adapted how to provide best support with boy/male victims.
One afternoon, LIFT's lawyer sent a message to the team following the completion of court work on a child sex offence case. One of the many cases the legal team has been responsible for and efforts. Their work is to represent victims to claim compensation and seek justice for victims and their families.
The defendant pleaded guilty and paid compensation in cash to the victim of 200,000 Thai Baht. Although it was a small amount, it is considered a partial remedy for the damage to the victims.
- LIFT’s Legal Expert
It was a message that gives at LIFT hope, encouragement, and joyful feelings for the victims and their families who receive compensation to compensate for the damage caused. This reflects the justice process that is considered a victim-centric approach, trauma-informed care, and healing for all victims of human trafficking with whom we work.
Echoes from the victims/survivors, and law enforcement agencies including partners reflect that the anti-human trafficking work remains critical, and that all stakeholders, including LIFT International, have to collaborate to intervene to eliminate this crime against humanity. The problem of human trafficking is still happening and it’s real. LIFT International will continue to work hard to support law enforcement and partners to identify victims and offenders and assist to claim compensation for victims of human trafficking and online sexual exploitation.
LIFT International's main goal is to free girls, boys, women, and men from human dignity violations. And free them from human trafficking or being used for online sexual exploitation.